As Sharp and Shiny As Ever

There is some evidence that the Chinese knew about the properties of chromium a couple of thousand years ago and used it to harden their weapons of spears and knives.

The western world didn’t catch up till the eighteenth century and discover that not only does this mineral exist in great quantities but it also has many industrial uses. Bikers love chrome and when you see a large classic motor bike with a highly polished metal finish you can bet the owner has had it specially chrome, or chromium, plated.

It is harder than steel and adds further protection from rust as well as having a mirror finish that is easy to wipe clean. Chrome finish looks particularly good on some of the wide range of radiators available here.

In particular, chrome towel radiators continue to be popular in the bathroom. The smooth finish of this plating means the whole radiator is utterly snag free from the slightest burs at the covered welding spots.

Chrome radiators like polished steel come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Radiators no longer have to look boring and hidden from view in fact just the opposite is now the norm. If you are going to buy new radiators then perhaps you should let your imagination go free and have different ones in every room of the house.

Chrome in the bathroom is one place to start and towel radiators are usually separate from the central heating system as you don’t want that on just to warm up the bath towels. They are mostly stand-alone electric and fitted with a thermostat which is particularly important if young children are around.

At the end of a long winter when it’s time to turn off the central heating system the towel radiator still needs to be on to keep towels dry and warm. Getting out of the bath or shower in April can still feel a bit chilly and a large fluffy warm cotton towel is just the treatment you need.

For chrome towel radiators
