Electric Radiators Have Many Advantages

Because not every home is connected to a gas supply in the United Kingdom, people have looked at various alternatives.

Most people think that electric radiators are expensive to run, but they need to be investigated as technology has advanced considerably since the storage heater made its appearance.

When you are seriously considering this form of heating, you need to do your homework on where you can get the best tariff.  You may want to consult the energy watchdog on line to help you find it.

The price of utilities, especially the gas and oil industry have seen the greatest fluctuations in price.  It seems that electricity has enjoyed a relatively level price structure.


Besides, many householders now produce their own electricity by having solar panels fitted.  Although in the United Kingdom you may not be self-sufficient in this respect it will certainly reduce the carbon footprint and help with reducing household bills.

The modern electric radiators are sealed units which have a thermostat and programmable timer attached.  You can programme them to come on when you want and you can also set the required heat for your comfort.  This makes them extremely fuel efficient.

These heaters are able to heat up fast and then hold their temperature well.  Another advantage of them is that they need hardly any maintenance, unlike a heating system powered by a boiler.  A boiler needs to be serviced every year to make sure it is safe to run.

Unlike the storage radiators of yesteryear, the modern heaters are aesthetically pleasing to the eye and not bulky like the storage version which was once so very popular. 

The modern family wants heat on demand and the cheap to run storage heaters only chucked out heat during the daytime when parents are at work and children at school.  You can now purchase electric heaters that come in any colour you like to suit your décor.

If you need to give your heating a boost, radiators with convector facilities are available to you.  These will circulate the air much faster than the ordinary version.